Antonio Brown is never one to bite his tongue.
Former Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Antonio Brown, owner of the Albany Empire, was responsible for the team’s removal from the National Arena League.
The league released a statement announcing the decision, citing Brown’s failure to make mandatory operating payments and pay a fine for conduct detrimental to the league.
“After exhausting all avenues, the NAL board of owners have decided unanimously to terminate the membership agreement of the Albany Empire,” the league wrote in a statement.” The decision was reached after an emergency conference call of the members in good standing to discuss the Empire’s failure to pay their league-mandated and overdue assessments.”
Despite the Empire’s back-to-back championship wins prior to Brown’s ownership, they were 1-6 with seven games remaining on their schedule.
Brown attempted to defend himself on social media by posting a screenshot from his phone.
“Arena players rats snitching on da owner,” Brown said on Twitter. on a post, he has since taken down.
Before he took down the tweet, it revealed one of his players in contact with another person who alleges that Antonio Brown has been in some sort of contact with his partner.
The league confirmed that Brown failed to pay money owed to the NAL, resulting in the termination of the Albany Empire’s membership agreement.
Brown fell behind by two payments and refused to pay after incurring a $1,000 fine for negative comments about the league.
More clown activity to follow.
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